esp8266 debugging problem with OpenOCD and jlink

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB esp8266 debugging problem with OpenOCD and jlink

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  • #9285

    We would like to use the JTAG debugging with the ESP8266-12E card that we have put on a custom circuit board that provides power and the JTAG interfaces. We have wired it as you specified.

    We started with the simplepair example application, which we have working properly with UART debugging.

    We then changed the debug configuration to use OpenOCD and connect to the Segger jlink probe. The “test connection” properly finds the jlink device.

    The download step works properly and after it finishes the download, the debugger constantly hits a breakpoint here:

    (gdbstubentry.s line 398)

    break 0,0

    Have you seen this before? How can I diagnose the problem?

    Also, what does the “jlink download” option do? I haven’t been able to find any documentation on it. I haven’t been able to figure out how to make the Segger GDB server work with the 8266. Is this possible?

    Thanks…Keith Rhodes

    PS. Great software. We’ve been using Atollic products for STM MCU’s for a couple of years and  I’m impressed with your tool so far.




    Looks like your firmware also has the gdb stub enabled. The JTAG debugging and GDB stub debugging are mutually exclusive, so if you want to use JTAG, please simply disable the GDB stub in VisualGDB Project Properties.

    The “download J-Link” option actually appears due to a bug – it only works with ARM targets. For JTAG debugging of ESP8266 we recommend using OpenOCD.

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