Why are source files being copied?

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Why are source files being copied?

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    I have created a simple Linux project to test debugging a Linux test app from a Windows development machine. The source for the test app is on the Windows machine, and is network shared with the Linux machine. I have setup a VisualGDB project which successfully detected that my local path (C:…testsrc) and the remote path (/mounts/dev-pc/…/test/src) are both pointing to the same location. Everything looks the way I expect, so I set a breakpoint in C:…testsrcmain.cpp and started the application but the breakpoint was never hit. After forcing a failure I discovered that for some reason VisualGDB was downloading all source files to C:…AppDataLocalVisualGDBAutoDownloadedSources{ip address}. Why would it duplicate my source files when I explicitly told it where to find them both locally and remotely?



    By design this should not happen. However in some cases (e.g. MacOS where /tmp is a symbolic link to /private/tmp) the path reported by GDB can be different from the path used to transfer/build files, so VisualGDB won’t detect that it’s mapped.

    Does the problem reproduce if you create a new project from scratch? Could you please send us the .vgdbsettings file from that project? Could you also provide us with a GDB log (select ‘all GDB interaction’ in the GDB Session window)?


    A symbolic link seems to be the issue. The actual location of the source files is on my Windows machine. I have shared and mounted the folder on linux, but the resulting path is ugly, something along the lines of /run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=ccenotti.domain.com,share=proj/src. I created a symbolic link to make the path a little less unwieldy, but that appears to be causing confusion with VisualGDB. I just changed my project to use the ugly path and it worked as I expected. Thanks!

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