Arduino esp32 update fails

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    Noticed there was an update to VisualGDB to v6.0R7 (build 5333). I installed that first by itself, then restarted Visual Studio. I thought maybe the install problem of the latest Arduino ESP32 package(v3.1.3) would be fixed, but there’s there’s still a problem with long paths as per enclosed when I tried to install it. Why Arduino has to make such long path names is beyond me~~~.


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    That’s beyond us as well. The latest ESP32 Arduino package indeed includes some rather long paths. They seemingly come from some 3rd-party code that Espressif bundled with their package and don’t seem to be actively used (unless you specifically want to include some connectedhomeip headers).

    We looked into it earlier when the same package was causing other issues, and it turned out that Arduino IDE just silently ignores the long paths. So, we updated VisualGDB to show the list of the files it could not install, but otherwise do what the Arduino IDE does. If you don’t need these headers, you can just ignore the warning and go ahead. Otherwise, you can try convincing Espressif to move the affected folders within their package, because they would not work on Windows regardless of the used IDE.

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