Espressif ESP-IDF 5.5 Requires Python 3.9 or newer

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Espressif ESP-IDF 5.5 Requires Python 3.9 or newer

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  • #36240


    I’m trying to use the latest GitHub version of the Espressif ESP-IDF. (version 5.5, not released yet) to test the latest release of wolfSSL.

    I know that pre-release versions of the ESP-IDF are not supported here, but I was still hoping for some tips on where and how python versions are detected in VisualGDB.

    The problem occurs when I “Reload cmake project” using the latest ESP-IDF. A dialog box pops up indicating:

    The selected ESP-IDF checkout requires a Python environment in C:\SysGCC\esp32-master\python_env\\idf.5_py3.8_env. Would you like to create i automatically?

    When I click “Yes”, I see another dialog box indicating “Failed to initialize virtual python environment”  and “Python.exe exited with error code 1”

    Run “C:\Users\gojimmypi\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Python-3.8.10\python.exe C:\SysGCC\esp32\esp-idf\master\tools\ install-python-env” in directory “” on local computer
    ESP-IDF supports Python 3.9 or newer but you are using Python 3.8.10. Please upgrade your installation as described in the documentation.
    Command exited with code 1

    I tried to manually run this from command line:

    C:\Users\gojimmypi\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Python-3.11.5\python.exe C:\SysGCC\esp32\esp-idf\master\tools\ install-python-env

    Although a new target directory was created, VisualGDB does not see it. I continued to receive the error noted above.

    I do have a more recent version of Python installed. From a fresh DOS prompt:

    python --version
    Python 3.11.9

    The SysGCC directories otherwise seem to be working properly from a command prompt. I can compile from command-line in both Windows DOS and WSL using the sysgcc directories and the very latest version of the ESP-IDF.

    I’m using Visual Studio 2022 v17.11.5

    I’ve been putting off updating VisualGDB automatically from within Visual Studio, but earlier today I manually downloaded and installed version 6.0R6 (build 5262).

    I tried restarting Visual Studio and even rebooting.

    Any tips on resolving this will be appreciated. Thank you.

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