The following was developed under XP. It allows you to click a shortcut to mount an ISO to a virtual drive with a predefined letter, bypassing the mount dialog.
Right-click an ISO file, point to SendTo, and click a drive shortcut, i.e., -S- virtual CD-DVD (see sample names below).
Assume the WinCDEmu files are located in the C:Program FilesWinCDEmu folder. In the folder, create the batch file MountAs.bat, containing the text below (NOTE: %2 %1 in the last line is correct).
@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
batchmnt.exe /unmount %1: > NUL
batchmnt.exe %2 %1 > NUL
Create a shortcut to MountAs.bat and move it to the SendTo folder (click Start, Run, type SENDTO, hit Enter). Right-click the shortcut and click Properties. The target should read “C:Program FilesWinCDEmuMountAs.bat”. Add a space and an unused drive letter, e.g.,
“C:Program FilesWinCDEmuMountAs.bat” S
Under Run, select MInimized.
If you prefer, a more suitable icon can be chosen via the Change Icon feature. Most of the disc icons appear among the last third. I also suggest renaming the shortcut.
If you need to mount multiple ISOs, you may make copies of the shortcut and place a unique drive letter in the target line of each, then suitably rename them, e.g., -S- virtual CD-DVD, -T- virtual CD-DVD.