Hidden data in the memory view after switching from Hex to Uint

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Hidden data in the memory view after switching from Hex to Uint

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  • #35720
    Timo Engelmann


    a little hint regardning the Memory View during debugging.
    If it is small enough for showing the hex values (see 01_Mem_in_Hex.png)
    and if switching now from hex to uint,(see 02_Change_from_Hex_to_UInt.png)
    there is no refresh of the data. (see 03_hidden_data.png)
    This can be lead in some hidden data items. Only if the user counts the number of data items it is clear that there is something missing.
    After a little bit resizing the memory window, everything is correct. (see 04_after_resize_window.png)

    Best wishes

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    Thanks for reporting this. We have fixed it in this build: VisualGDB-

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