issue with updating to esp32 5.2 and new toolchain gcc 13.2

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB issue with updating to esp32 5.2 and new toolchain gcc 13.2

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  • #35402

    I had a project using esp32 and esp-idf 5.1 and the previous toolchain. I updated the toolchain and i got some build errors. Then I updated  the esp-idf version to 5.2, visualgdb to 6 and the project to 5.2 but i got python errors. it was looking for python into C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Python3 while python was installed in C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Python-3.8.10 . After copying the directory into python3  i get an “ERROR: C:\Users\george\.espressif\espidf.constraints.v5.2.txt doesn’t exist. Perhaps you’ve forgotten to run the install scripts. Please check the installation guide for more information.” where is it getting this setting? i have installed espressif idf but it is in the C:\Espressif directory.

    This is the batch file generated


    REM Run “C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\CMake\bin\cmake.exe ../../.. -G “Ninja” -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/ninja/1.11.1/ninja.exe -DESP_PLATFORM=1 -DCCACHE_ENABLE=0 -DIDF_TARGET=esp32″ in directory “xxxx/build/VisualGDB/Debug” on local computer
    cd /d xxxx/build/VisualGDB/Debug
    set LANG=en_US.UTF-8
    set PATH=C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Espressif\python_env\\idf5.2_py3.8_env\Scripts;C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Python-3.8.10;C:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\xtensa-esp-elf\esp-13.2.0_20230928\xtensa-esp-elf\bin;C:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\xtensa-esp-elf\esp-13.2.0_20230928\xtensa-esp-elf\bin;C:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\esp32ulp-elf\2.35_20220830\esp32ulp-elf\bin;C:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\riscv32-esp-elf\esp-13.2.0_20230928\riscv32-esp-elf\bin;C:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\idf-exe\1.0.3;C:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\ccache\4.8\ccache-4.8-windows-x86_64;C:\SysGCC\esp32\tools\ninja\1.11.1;%PATH%
    set IDF_PATH=C:\SysGCC\esp32\esp-idf\v5.2
    set SYSPROGS_COMPONENTS_DIR=C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/SysprogsComponents
    set IDF_GIT_DIR=C:\Program Files\Git\cmd
    set IDF_PYTHON_DIR=C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Python-3.8.10
    set IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH=C:\Espressif\python_env\\idf5.2_py3.8_env
    set CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/ninja/1.11.1/ninja.exe
    “C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\CMake\bin\cmake.exe” ../../.. -G “Ninja” -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/ninja/1.11.1/ninja.exe -DESP_PLATFORM=1 -DCCACHE_ENABLE=0 -DIDF_TARGET=esp32


    and then outpout

    IDF_PATH is set to C:\SysGCC\esp32\esp-idf\v5.2
    project_name is set to dev_wifi_station
    — Found Git: C:/Program Files/Git/cmd/git.exe (found version “”)
    — The C compiler identification is GNU 13.2.0
    — The CXX compiler identification is GNU 13.2.0
    — The ASM compiler identification is GNU
    — Found assembler: C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/xtensa-esp-elf/esp-13.2.0_20230928/xtensa-esp-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc.exe
    — Detecting C compiler ABI info
    — Detecting C compiler ABI info – done
    — Check for working C compiler: C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/xtensa-esp-elf/esp-13.2.0_20230928/xtensa-esp-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc.exe – skipped
    — Detecting C compile features
    — Detecting C compile features – done
    — Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
    — Detecting CXX compiler ABI info – done
    — Check for working CXX compiler: C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/xtensa-esp-elf/esp-13.2.0_20230928/xtensa-esp-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-g++.exe – skipped
    — Detecting CXX compile features
    — Detecting CXX compile features – done
    — Building ESP-IDF components for target esp32
    — Checking Python dependencies… python C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/ check-python-dependencies
    — pythonC:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/idf_tools.pycheck-python-dependencies <– my debug info
    ERROR: C:\Users\george\.espressif\espidf.constraints.v5.2.txt doesn’t exist. Perhaps you’ve forgotten to run the install scripts. Please check the installation guide for more information.
    — python C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/ check-python-dependencies
    CMake Error at C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/cmake/build.cmake:368 (message):
    Some Python dependencies must be installed. Check above message for
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
    C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/cmake/build.cmake:505 (__build_check_python)
    C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/cmake/project.cmake:605 (idf_build_process)
    CMakeLists.txt:43 (project)

    — Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
    Command exited with code 1
    Executable: C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\CMake\bin\cmake.exe
    Arguments: ../../.. -G “Ninja” -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/ninja/1.11.1/ninja.exe -DESP_PLATFORM=1 -DCCACHE_ENABLE=0 -DIDF_TARGET=esp32
    Command-line action failed

    ========== Project Rebuild Summary ==========
    fuelsensor.esp32 rebuilt in 00:03
    ========== Rebuild: 0 Succeeded, 1 Failed, 0 Skipped ==========


    why is it looking into the C:\Users\george\.espressif\ folder? in there 5.0 and 5.1 exist but not 5.2






    Please see the following page for more details:


    followed the instructions but the problem remains.

    • cleared the  Python installations via Tools->Options->VisualGDB->General->Python Directory. (look at pic)
    • I have deleted the python directories at  %LOCALAPPDATA%\VisualGDB\Python*
    • created a new project (blink) based on esp-idf 5.2 (see attchement)  and clicked on the ‘get python’ button

    this is the created the following directories

    Volume in drive C has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is 1028-E0A7

    Directory of C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\VisualGDB

    03/06/2024 06:24 PM <DIR> .
    02/20/2024 04:15 PM <DIR> ..
    06/03/2023 04:02 PM 490 .clang-format
    03/06/2024 01:14 AM 166 activation.key
    06/03/2023 04:04 PM <DIR> AutoDownloadedSources
    02/09/2024 12:15 AM <DIR> CMake
    10/03/2023 10:03 PM <DIR> CppEngineDumps
    12/03/2023 11:57 PM <DIR> EmbeddedDebugPackages
    06/03/2023 03:26 PM 0 FindBSP.cmake
    06/03/2023 03:26 PM 536 FindBSP.props
    03/06/2024 01:14 AM 1,722 FindComponents.props
    06/03/2023 03:26 PM 292 FindFrameworks.cmake
    06/03/2023 03:26 PM 178 FindRemoteHost.props
    03/06/2024 12:35 AM 1,143 FindToolchain.props
    03/06/2024 02:35 AM 8,793 GUIPreferences.xml
    03/06/2024 01:19 AM 4,110,696 PackageCatalog.xml
    03/06/2024 06:24 PM <DIR> Python-3.8.10
    06/03/2023 03:26 PM <DIR> QemuVMs
    06/04/2023 12:43 AM <DIR> RemoteSourceCache
    03/07/2023 02:00 PM <DIR> SharedFolders
    03/06/2024 01:41 AM <DIR> temp
    10 File(s) 4,124,016 bytes
    11 Dir(s) 182,326,775,808 bytes free

    when i compile i get the same error

    Running CMake: C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\CMake\bin\cmake.exe ../../.. -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/ninja/1.11.1/ninja.exe -DESP_PLATFORM=1 -DCCACHE_ENABLE=0 -DIDF_TARGET=esp32

    — Found Git: C:/Program Files/Git/cmd/git.exe (found version “”)
    — The C compiler identification is GNU 13.2.0
    — The CXX compiler identification is GNU 13.2.0
    — The ASM compiler identification is GNU
    — Found assembler: C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/xtensa-esp-elf/esp-13.2.0_20230928/xtensa-esp-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc.exe
    — Detecting C compiler ABI info
    — Detecting C compiler ABI info – done
    — Check for working C compiler: C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/xtensa-esp-elf/esp-13.2.0_20230928/xtensa-esp-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc.exe – skipped
    — Detecting C compile features
    — Detecting C compile features – done
    — Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
    — Detecting CXX compiler ABI info – done
    — Check for working CXX compiler: C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/xtensa-esp-elf/esp-13.2.0_20230928/xtensa-esp-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-g++.exe – skipped
    — Detecting CXX compile features
    — Detecting CXX compile features – done
    — git rev-parse returned ‘fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git’
    — Could not use ‘git describe’ to determine PROJECT_VER.
    — Building ESP-IDF components for target esp32
    — Checking Python dependencies… python C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/ check-python-dependencies
    — pythonC:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/idf_tools.pycheck-python-dependencies
    No Python at ‘C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Python3\python.exe’
    — Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
    CMake Error at C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/cmake/build.cmake:371 (message):
    Failed to run Python dependency check. Python: python, Error: 103
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
    C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/cmake/build.cmake:505 (__build_check_python)
    C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/cmake/project.cmake:605 (idf_build_process)
    CMakeLists.txt:6 (project)

    System.Exception: CMake exited with code 1
    at a4.b(a a, Object b)

    it is looking  for python C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/ check-python-dependencies

    where obviously there is none. so i copy the  Python-3.8.10 directory into Python3 and the build fails in the same way


    Run “C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\CMake\bin\cmake.exe ../../.. -G “Ninja” -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/ninja/1.11.1/ninja.exe -DESP_PLATFORM=1 -DCCACHE_ENABLE=0 -DIDF_TARGET=esp32″ in directory “C:\d\FS\EmbeddedProject1\EmbeddedProject1/build/VisualGDB/Debug” on local computer
    C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\CMake\bin\cmake.exe ../../.. -G “Ninja” -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/ninja/1.11.1/ninja.exe -DESP_PLATFORM=1 -DCCACHE_ENABLE=0 -DIDF_TARGET=esp32
    — git rev-parse returned ‘fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git’
    — Could not use ‘git describe’ to determine PROJECT_VER.
    — Building ESP-IDF components for target esp32
    — Checking Python dependencies… python C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/ check-python-dependencies
    — pythonC:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/idf_tools.pycheck-python-dependencies
    ERROR: C:\Users\george\.espressif\espidf.constraints.v5.2.txt doesn’t exist. Perhaps you’ve forgotten to run the install scripts. Please check the installation guide for more information.
    — python C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/ check-python-dependencies
    CMake Error at C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/cmake/build.cmake:368 (message):
    Some Python dependencies must be installed. Check above message for
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
    C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/cmake/build.cmake:505 (__build_check_python)
    C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/cmake/project.cmake:605 (idf_build_process)
    CMakeLists.txt:6 (project)

    — Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
    Command exited with code 1
    Executable: C:\Users\george\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\CMake\bin\cmake.exe
    Arguments: ../../.. -G “Ninja” -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=C:/SysGCC/esp32/tools/ninja/1.11.1/ninja.exe -DESP_PLATFORM=1 -DCCACHE_ENABLE=0 -DIDF_TARGET=esp32
    Directory: C:\d\FS\EmbeddedProject1\EmbeddedProject1/build/VisualGDB/Debug
    Command-line action failed

    ========== Project Build Summary ==========
    EmbeddedProject1 built in 00:03
    ========== Build: 0 Succeeded, 1 Failed, 0 Skipped ==========

    it is looking to find the C:\Users\george\.espressif\espidf.constraints.v5.2.txt file which doesnt exist, is the the directory where espresiff keeps in vscode installation?

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    Please do not manually copy any directories without understanding what causes the underlying problem. This only entangles the issue further and makes it harder to troubleshoot.

    You can try exporting the ESP-IDF configuration command used by VisualGDB to a batch file as shown here. If the batch file shows incorrect IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH value, please let us know and we will look into it.

    If the value looks correct, and ESP-IDF still doesn’t work, it could be a bug in ESP-IDF. Please consider reporting it to Espressif. If they suggest a configuration command line that fixes the problem, we can help you configure VisualGDB to use it instead.


    i did that in my first post . it is the first thing in the post. i found where espressif for vscode installs by default in 5.2 (C:\Users\george\esp\v5.2.1\esp-idf) and copied espidf.constraints.v5.2.txt to where visualgdb expected it (where espressif installed until 5.1 C:\Users\george\.espressif) and the problem was solved.


    i understand its a hack but the documentation provided didnt help solve.

    I can delete everything and try again but i have done it a few times already with the same result. it seems that the installation of espressif somehow affects visualgdb although i thought that the 2 were independent.

    I would be happy to troubleshoot if you want me to.




    it seems there is a double \\ after python_env in the batch file

    set IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH=C:\Espressif\python_env\\idf5.2_py3.8_env


    apparently when i execute

    python C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.2/tools/ check-python-dependencies
    Constraint file: C:\Users\george\.espressif\espidf.constraints.v5.2.txt
    Requirement files:
    - C:\SysGCC\esp32\esp-idf\v5.2\tools\requirements\requirements.core.txt
    Python being checked: C:\Espressif\python_env\idf5.2_py3.8_env\Scripts\python.exe
    Python requirements are satisfied.

    it looks into this file C:\Users\george\.espressif\espidf.constraints.v5.2.txt why is that in 5.2?


    The root cause of this problem lies in the build process when build.cmake checks Python dependencies using the line:
    execute_process(COMMAND "${python}" "${idf_path}/tools/" "check-python-dependencies").

    During this check, the script assumes the .espressif folder and its required files (like espidf.constraints.v5.3.txt) are in the default user directory (e.g., C:\Users\[YourUsername]\.espressif). If this folder or file is missing, the build fails. This happens because the script defaults to looking in the user folder, regardless of where the actual ESP-IDF files are installed.


    • Locate the file espidf.constraints.v5.3.txt in C:\Espressif\espidf.constraints.v5.3.txt or in the tools folder of your ESP-IDF installation.
    • Copy the file to the .espressif directory under your user folder (e.g., C:\Users\[YourUsername]\.espressif).
    • Right-click on your project in Visual Studio, select “Clean Project,” and the error should be resolved.

    I tested it worked forme, Visualstudio 2019 and 2022

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by maghsood.
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