Custom USB on Teensy

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Custom USB on Teensy

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  • #28781


    I’m using a TeensyLC, and I can select the pre-defined types of USB in Project Properties>USB Type, and it works.

    But now I want to develop my own HID (game controller), with my own game controller name and number of buttons, axis, etc.

    How can I do that?



    This looks like a Teensy-specific question rather than VisualGDB-specific one. Please consider asking on the Teensy forum instead.


    I asked here because I have my firmware working on Arduino IDE, it recognizes as a game controller, and then I moved the project to VisualGDB, and it compiles, program ok, but the Game Controller is not detected on Windows.

    Looks like the VisualGDB config of ‘USB Type’ is above the defined in my code.


    No problem, we can help you narrow it down. Please try following this tutorial to compare the build command lines used by VisualGDB vs. the Arduino IDE. You can also modify the command lines manually to see what exact parts of them triggers the different behavior.

    Once you find a specific flag or option that causes the VisualGDB-based project to work differently, we can help you find the setting that allows changing it.

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