I am trying to debug an R package compiled using custom toolchain (https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/) msys2-mingw64-gcc-8.3.0. R is an interpreted language for scientific computing and data-science. The package is compiled using R tools. I have complied both R and my package using the toolchain. The only way I can think of using visualgdb is to start the R terminal program within the VisualGDB – Quick Debug Setup dialog. I was able to properly specify toolchain settings. I added extra paths to msys2 and mingw64 bin directories as well as paths to directories with source of R and my package. I used the path mappings dialog to include and source directories. I opened a source file and placed a breakpoint and started debugging. However, the breakpoint was never reached. The program terminates normally.
I couldn’t find documentation of how I could add source files and stop the program at breakpoints.
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