VisulGdb setting up for OpenWrt

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    I would like to use VisualGdb with a zero orange pi running with OpenWrt.
    I have a win10 computer with Visual Studio, I have Synology Nas that running virtual Ubuntu machine for cross compile with Openwrt Sdk installed, and an Orange Pi zero for target.
    I didn’t suscced to setup VisualGdb to make the cross compilation and debug on the orange pi. Epecially to find the remote toolchain folder on the Synology Nas.

    Any help is appreciated


    Sorry, it is not possible for us to provide the exact configuration steps for 3rd-party frameworks and tools, unless it is something extremely common (i.e. relevant to a huge amount of users) and worth supporting out-of-the-box and having a separate tutorial.

    We can do the necessary research and publish a detailed tutorial as a part of our paid consulting program (please contact our sales for pricing). Alternatively, we can help you understand the VisualGDB side of the setup. E.g. if you manage to setup the project manually and find the correct compiler command lines and file layout, we can help you setup VisualGDB to replicate the manual setup results.

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