How to disable automatic stack checking?

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    I am using a target MCU with larger RAM than actual device(Because mbed support only a few boards),but I’m sure it can run and work well.
    But I haven’t found the entry to “disable automatic stack checking via VisualGDB Project Properties” as VisualGDB tell me.
    So does this settings exit or is there any way to bypass?

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    I have renewed my license,let’s start.


    Thanks for playing fair, we really appreciate it.

    VisualGDB would indeed normally check that the last 32-bit word before the _estack symbol in the ELF file is writable. This helps detect incorrect/mismatching linker scripts that would otherwise cause hard-to-track errors. You can disable the automatic stack checks via VisualGDB Project Properties -> Embedded Debug Tweaking -> Validate stack pointer when starting debugging.

    If your linker script uses a different symbol for the end-of-stack, please consider editing the EndOfStackSymbol element in the .vgdbsettings file to reflect the symbol name from your linker script, so that VisualGDB will check it instead.


    Thanks a lot.I cancelled stack validatation but I just forgot that stack decend from the end of RAM,so the MCU stuck somewhere 🙁 .

    Finally I copied the linker script and changed memory size configuration and it works!

    By the way,when will a new mbed support package come out?The Official version is now 5.12.2  while VisualGDB still offers an old 5.9.2.The new mbed project wizard takes a lot of time download files while creating new solution and compiling the whole solution is also very very slow compared to use old mbed toolchain inside.


    Good to know it works.

    The mbed package system has actually been replaced with the new Advanced Mbed Project Subsystem that works with the latest mbed releases out-of-the-box, supports online libraries and advanced configuration options. You can find a detailed description in this tutorial:

    You can also greatly reduce the initial setup time by using shared mbed checkouts. Simply select it on the first page of the wizard and VisualGDB will reuse an existing mbed checkout instead of downloading it from scratch.

    Once the initial compilation is done, the subsequent builds of the project should be much faster, as mbed will only rebuild the changed files.

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