ESP32 with ULP support

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB ESP32 with ULP support


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  • #23645

    Hi all,

    I’ve done some searcv within the forum but I didn’t find anything clear about my doubt: is (or it will be) supported the ULP code development supported in VisualGDB fro ESP-IDF toolchain? If yes, where can I found a simple tutorial on how to set up the environment?

    I’ve created a new ESP-IDF project starting from an ULP example, but that is not able to compile (Error [Clang IntelliSense] Error: ‘ulp_main.h’ file not found ulp-example D:\data\projects\ESP32\E0_VS\E0_VS\main\ulp_example_main.c 20)



    Please follow the instructions from Espressif on configuring the toolchain for ULP projects.




    thanks for your suggestion. Actually, I’ve already followed the description at the link you’ve suggested, but the problem in Visual Studio is still present. Please consider that “outside”of visual studio, i can run succesfully the make command for the project including the ULP code, this measn that the “standard” GCC compiler is set-up correctly.

    It seems like the VS cannot find the path to the esp32ulp-elf-binutils\bin even if the path has been put in the PATH system variable (and is correctly running using GCC outside VS).

    Do I have to manually insert in the VS project the path to the tool? If yes, how can I do this?

    the compiling process reaches end signaling failure, and the error log output is:


    make[1]: esp32ulp-elf-as: Command not found
    make[1]: *** [/esp-idf/v3.2/components/ulp/ KnobMonitor.ulp.o] Error 127
    make: *** [/esp-idf/v3.2/make/ component-main-build] Error 2
    make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs….


    Thanks for your help.



    You should be able to work around this by adding the directory with the ULP toolchain to the global system PATH or MinGW2’s .profile/.bashrc. Alternatively, please try this build and add the relative path of the directory with the ULP toolchain to the AdditionalPathDirs element inside toolchain.xml. VisualGDB will automatically add it to PATH when running the ESP-IDF tools.




    thanks for your suggestions. I’ve solved the issue by setting CMake as project type and adding to PATH variable the path to the ULP binaries, using latest release of VisualGDB.


    Thanks again for your help.



    Good to know it works. If you encounter further issues, please don’t hesitate to get back to us and we will be happy to help.

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