It looks like recent WDKs unified ntddk.h and is not anymore inside target specific directory. Visual DDK is expecting the wrong path for ntddk.h (wxp, w2k, etc
) for these wdk’s
I am having issues here also, not with paths, but with connecting to virtual machine kernel. see
Did you manage to get everything going in the end?
Just mkdir C:WinDDK7600.16385.1incddkwxp and copy ntddk.h into it. Then retry installation
Tried what you suggested – Installer still does not commence. Is visualddk any good at all if I get past the installation issues or is it incompatible with the current WDK anyway?
Dunno if this is an issue anymore, but I just declared WDKPATH to C:WinDDK7600.16385.1.
Then I reconfigured VisualDDK and it all went OK. (I didn’t do any mkdir, just declared the environment variable above)