Using Linux packages

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Using Linux packages

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    When using a GNU Make project, you can enter in the “VisualGDB Project Properties” dialog on the page “Makefile settings” the names of some Linux packages, for example “gtkmm-3.0”. The compiler will automatically use the include and library directories that are referenced by the package. Also the required libraries are linked.

    This feature works perfectly when compiling a project. But the include direcectories from the package are not written into the list of the used “IntelliSense Directories”. Therefore, the editor cannot find the included files and marks imported classes, types, etc. as undefined.

    Did I miss the option for transferring the package information to the IntelliSense settings?

    Currently I am calling “pkg-config –cflags XXX” on a Linux console and enter all direcories manually. It would we a useful feature if VisualGDB could handle this automatically.


    When I switch the project to MSBuild, the feature for entering a Linux package ist still missing. Or is it hidden under some other feature?


    Thank you for the information



    Sorry, this is not supported on MSBuild yet. As a workaround, please try running pkg-config and adding the flags manually.

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