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touchgfx::LCD class

@class LCD LCD.hpp touchgfx/lcd/LCD.hpp This class contains the various low-level drawing routines for drawing bitmaps, texts and rectangles. This class contains the various low-level drawing routines for drawing bitmaps, texts and rectangles.


class LCD;
Implemented in LCD.hpp:44



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@fn virtual void LCD::init() Performs initialization. Performs initialization.


@fn virtual void LCD::blitCopy(const uint8_t* sourceData, Bitmap::BitmapFormat sourceFormat, const Rect& source, const Rect& blitRect, uint8_t alpha, bool hasTransparentPixels) = 0; Blits a 2D source-array to the frame buffer while converting the format. Blits a 2D source-array to the frame buffer performing alpha-blending (and transparency keying) as specified. Performs a software blend if HAL does not support BLIT_COPY_WITH_ALPHA and alpha != 255. Read more...


@fn virtual uint16_t* LCD::copyFrameBufferRegionToMemory(const Rect& region, const BitmapId bitmap = BITMAP_ANIMATION_STORAGE) = 0; Copies a part of the frame buffer. Copies a part of the frame buffer to a bitmap. The bitmap must be a dynamic bitmap. Only the part specified with by parameter region is copied. @see blitCopy. Read more...


@fn virtual void LCD::fillRect(const Rect& rect, colortype color, uint8_t alpha = 255) = 0; Draws a filled rectangle in the specified color. Draws a filled rectangle in the specified color. Read more...


@fn void LCD::drawHorizontalLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t lineWidth, colortype color, uint8_t alpha = 255); Draws a horizontal line with the specified color. Draws a horizontal line with the specified color. Read more...


@fn void LCD::drawTextureMapTriangle(const DrawingSurface& dest, const Point3D* vertices, const TextureSurface& texture, const Rect& absoluteRect, const Rect& dirtyAreaAbsolute, RenderingVariant renderVariant, uint8_t alpha = 255, uint16_t subDivisionSize = 12); Texture map triangle. Draw a perspective correct texture mapped triangle. The vertices describes the surface, the x,y,z coordinates and the u,v coordinates of the texture. The texture contains the image data to be drawn The triangle line will be placed and clipped using the absolute and dirty rectangles The alpha will determine how the triangle should be alpha blended. The subDivisionSize will determine the size of the piecewise affine texture mapped portions of the triangle. Read more...


@fn void LCD::drawVerticalLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t height, uint16_t lineWidth, colortype color, uint8_t alpha = 255); Draws a vertical line with the specified color. Draws a vertical line with the specified color. Read more...


@fn void LCD::drawRect(const Rect& rect, colortype color, uint8_t alpha = 255); Draws a rectangle using the specified line color. Draws a rectangle using the specified line color. Same as calling drawBorder with a line width of 1. Read more...


@fn void LCD::drawBorder(const Rect& rect, uint16_t lineWidth, colortype color, uint8_t alpha = 255); Draws a rectangle width the specified line width and color. Draws a rectangle width the specified line width and color. Read more...


@fn virtual void LCD::drawTextureMapScanLine(const DrawingSurface& dest, const Gradients& gradients, const Edge* leftEdge, const Edge* rightEdge, const TextureSurface& texture, const Rect& absoluteRect, const Rect& dirtyAreaAbsolute, RenderingVariant renderVariant, uint8_t alpha, uint16_t subDivisionLength) = 0; Draw scan line. Draw one horizontal line of the texture map on screen. The scan line will be drawn using perspective correct texture mapping. The appearance of the line is determined by the left and right edge and the gradients structure. The edges contain the information about the x,y,z coordinates of the left and right side respectively and also information about the u,v coordinates of the texture map used. The gradients structure contains information about how to interpolate all the values across the scan line. The data drawn should be present in the texture argument. The scan line will be drawn using the additional arguments. The scan line will be placed and clipped using the absolute and dirty rectangles The alpha will determine how the scan line should be alpha blended. The subDivisionSize will determine the size of the piecewise affine texture mapped lines. Read more...


@fn virtual void LCD::drawGlyph(uint16_t* wbuf, Rect widgetArea, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t offsetX, uint16_t offsetY, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const GlyphNode* glyph, const uint8_t* glyphData, colortype color, uint8_t bitsPerPixel, uint8_t alpha, TextRotation rotation = TEXT_ROTATE_0) = 0; Private version of draw-glyph. Private version of draw-glyph with explicit destination buffer pointer argument. For all parameters (except the buffer pointer) see the public version of drawGlyph(). Read more...


@fn static void LCD::rotateRect(Rect& rect, const Rect& canvas, const TextRotation rotation); Rotate a rectangle inside another rectangle. Rotate a rectangle inside another rectangle. Read more...


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@fn static uint16_t LCD::stringWidth(TextProvider& textProvider, const Font& font, const int numChars, TextDirection textDirection); Find string width. Find string with of the given number of characters read from the given TextProvider. Read more...


@fn static uint16_t LCD::getNumLines(TextProvider& textProvider, WideTextAction wideTextAction, TextDirection textDirection, const Font* font, int16_t width); Gets number lines. Gets number of lines for a given text taking word wrap into consideration. The font and width are required to find the number of lines in case word wrap is true. Read more...


@fn virtual void LCD::drawGlyph(uint16_t* wbuf, Rect widgetArea, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t offsetX, uint16_t offsetY, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const GlyphNode* glyph, const uint8_t* glyphData, colortype color, uint8_t bitsPerPixel, uint8_t alpha, TextRotation rotation = TEXT_ROTATE_0) = 0; Private version of draw-glyph. Private version of draw-glyph with explicit destination buffer pointer argument. For all parameters (except the buffer pointer) see the public version of drawGlyph(). Read more...


@fn virtual void LCD::drawPartialBitmap(const Bitmap& bitmap, int16_t x, int16_t y, const Rect& rect, uint8_t alpha = 255, bool useOptimized = true) = 0; Draws a portion of a bitmap. Draws a portion of a bitmap. Read more...


@fn virtual void LCD::blitCopy(const uint8_t* sourceData, Bitmap::BitmapFormat sourceFormat, const Rect& source, const Rect& blitRect, uint8_t alpha, bool hasTransparentPixels) = 0; Blits a 2D source-array to the frame buffer while converting the format. Blits a 2D source-array to the frame buffer performing alpha-blending (and transparency keying) as specified. Performs a software blend if HAL does not support BLIT_COPY_WITH_ALPHA and alpha != 255. Read more...


@fn void LCD::drawString(Rect widgetArea, const Rect& invalidatedArea, StringVisuals& stringVisuals, const Unicode::UnicodeChar* format, ...); Draws the specified unicode string. Draws the specified unicode string. Breaks line on newline. Read more...

bitDepth() const

@fn virtual uint8_t LCD::bitDepth() const = 0; Number of bits per pixel used by the display. Number of bits per pixel used by the display. Read more...


@fn static int LCD::realX(const Rect& widgetArea, int16_t x, int16_t y, TextRotation rotation); Find the real, absolute x coordinate of a point inside a widget. Find the real, absolute x coordinate of a point inside a widget with regards to rotation. Read more...


@fn static int LCD::realY(const Rect& widgetArea, int16_t x, int16_t y, TextRotation rotation); Find the real, absolute y coordinate of a point inside a widget. Find the real, absolute y coordinate of a point inside a widget with regards to rotation. Read more...


@fn void LCD::drawStringLTR(Rect widgetArea, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const StringVisuals& visuals, const Unicode::UnicodeChar* format, va_list pArg); Draws the specified unicode string. Draws the specified unicode string. Breaks line on newline. The string is assumed to contain only latin characters written left-to-right. @see drawString. Read more...


@fn void LCD::drawStringRTL(Rect widgetArea, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const StringVisuals& visuals, const Unicode::UnicodeChar* format, va_list pArg); Draws the specified unicode string. Draws the specified unicode string. Breaks line on newline. The string can be either right-to-left or left-to-right and may contain sequences of Arabic /Hebrew and Latin characters. @see drawString. Read more...


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