xTimerCreate() is only used within FreeRTOS.

xTimerCreate() function

TimerHandle_t xTimerCreate( const char * const pcTimerName, TickType_t xTimerPeriodInTicks, UBaseType_t uxAutoReload, void * pvTimerID, TimerCallbackFunction_t pxCallbackFunction ); Creates a new software timer instance, and returns a handle by which the created software timer can be referenced. Internally, within the FreeRTOS implementation, software timers use a block of memory, in which the timer data structure is stored. If a software timer is created using xTimerCreate() then the required memory is automatically dynamically allocated inside the xTimerCreate() function. (see http://www.freertos.org/a00111.html). If a software timer is created using xTimerCreateStatic() then the application writer must provide the memory that will get used by the software timer. xTimerCreateStatic() therefore allows a software timer to be created without using any dynamic memory allocation. Timers are created in the dormant state. The xTimerStart(), xTimerReset(), xTimerStartFromISR(), xTimerResetFromISR(), xTimerChangePeriod() and xTimerChangePeriodFromISR() API functions can all be used to transition a timer into the active state. Example usage: @verbatim #define NUM_TIMERS 5 // An array to hold handles to the created timers. TimerHandle_t xTimers[ NUM_TIMERS ]; // An array to hold a count of the number of times each timer expires. int32_t lExpireCounters[ NUM_TIMERS ] = { 0 }; // Define a callback function that will be used by multiple timer instances. // The callback function does nothing but count the number of times the // associated timer expires, and stop the timer once the timer has expired // 10 times. void vTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t pxTimer ) { int32_t lArrayIndex; const int32_t xMaxExpiryCountBeforeStopping = 10; // Optionally do something if the pxTimer parameter is NULL. configASSERT( pxTimer ); // Which timer expired? lArrayIndex = ( int32_t ) pvTimerGetTimerID( pxTimer ); // Increment the number of times that pxTimer has expired. lExpireCounters[ lArrayIndex ] += 1; // If the timer has expired 10 times then stop it from running. if( lExpireCounters[ lArrayIndex ] == xMaxExpiryCountBeforeStopping ) { // Do not use a block time if calling a timer API function from a // timer callback function, as doing so could cause a deadlock! xTimerStop( pxTimer, 0 ); } } void main( void ) { int32_t x; // Create then start some timers. Starting the timers before the scheduler // has been started means the timers will start running immediately that // the scheduler starts. for( x = 0; x < NUM_TIMERS; x++ ) { xTimers[ x ] = xTimerCreate( "Timer", // Just a text name, not used by the kernel. ( 100 * x ), // The timer period in ticks. pdTRUE, // The timers will auto-reload themselves when they expire. ( void * ) x, // Assign each timer a unique id equal to its array index. vTimerCallback // Each timer calls the same callback when it expires. ); if( xTimers[ x ] == NULL ) { // The timer was not created. } else { // Start the timer. No block time is specified, and even if one was // it would be ignored because the scheduler has not yet been // started. if( xTimerStart( xTimers[ x ], 0 ) != pdPASS ) { // The timer could not be set into the Active state. } } } // ... // Create tasks here. // ... // Starting the scheduler will start the timers running as they have already // been set into the active state. vTaskStartScheduler(); // Should not reach here. for( ;; ); } @endverbatim


TimerHandle_t xTimerCreate( const char * const pcTimerName,     const TickType_t xTimerPeriodInTicks,     const UBaseType_t uxAutoReload,     void * const pvTimerID,     TimerCallbackFunction_t pxCallbackFunction ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
Implemented in timers.c:282



A text name that is assigned to the timer. This is done purely to assist debugging. The kernel itself only ever references a timer by its handle, and never by its name.


The timer period. The time is defined in tick periods so the constant portTICK_PERIOD_MS can be used to convert a time that has been specified in milliseconds. For example, if the timer must expire after 100 ticks, then xTimerPeriodInTicks should be set to 100. Alternatively, if the timer must expire after 500ms, then xPeriod can be set to ( 500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) provided configTICK_RATE_HZ is less than or equal to 1000. Time timer period must be greater than 0.


If uxAutoReload is set to pdTRUE then the timer will expire repeatedly with a frequency set by the xTimerPeriodInTicks parameter. If uxAutoReload is set to pdFALSE then the timer will be a one-shot timer and enter the dormant state after it expires.


An identifier that is assigned to the timer being created. Typically this would be used in the timer callback function to identify which timer expired when the same callback function is assigned to more than one timer.


The function to call when the timer expires. Callback functions must have the prototype defined by TimerCallbackFunction_t, which is "void vCallbackFunction( TimerHandle_t xTimer );".

Return value

If the timer is successfully created then a handle to the newly created timer is returned. If the timer cannot be created because there is insufficient FreeRTOS heap remaining to allocate the timer structures then NULL is returned.


TimerHandle_t xTimerCreate( const char * const pcTimerName, /*lint !e971 Unqualified char types are allowed for strings and single characters only. */
TimerHandle_t xTimerCreate( const char * const pcTimerName, /*lint !e971 Unqualified char types are allowed for strings and single characters only. */
return xTimerCreate((const char *)"",

Call Tree

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