usbi_io_init() is only used within OpenOCD.

usbi_io_init() function

\page libusb_io Synchronous and asynchronous device I/O \section io_intro Introduction If you're using libusb in your application, you're probably wanting to perform I/O with devices - you want to perform USB data transfers. libusb offers two separate interfaces for device I/O. This page aims to introduce the two in order to help you decide which one is more suitable for your application. You can also choose to use both interfaces in your application by considering each transfer on a case-by-case basis. Once you have read through the following discussion, you should consult the detailed API documentation pages for the details: - libusb_syncio - libusb_asyncio \section theory Transfers at a logical level At a logical level, USB transfers typically happen in two parts. For example, when reading data from a endpoint: -# A request for data is sent to the device -# Some time later, the incoming data is received by the host or when writing data to an endpoint: -# The data is sent to the device -# Some time later, the host receives acknowledgement from the device that the data has been transferred. There may be an indefinite delay between the two steps. Consider a fictional USB input device with a button that the user can press. In order to determine when the button is pressed, you would likely submit a request to read data on a bulk or interrupt endpoint and wait for data to arrive. Data will arrive when the button is pressed by the user, which is potentially hours later. libusb offers both a synchronous and an asynchronous interface to performing USB transfers. The main difference is that the synchronous interface combines both steps indicated above into a single function call, whereas the asynchronous interface separates them. \section sync The synchronous interface The synchronous I/O interface allows you to perform a USB transfer with a single function call. When the function call returns, the transfer has completed and you can parse the results. If you have used libusb-0.1 before, this I/O style will seem familiar to you. libusb-0.1 only offered a synchronous interface. In our input device example, to read button presses you might write code in the following style: \code unsigned char data[4]; int actual_length; int r = libusb_bulk_transfer(dev_handle, LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN, data, sizeof(data), &actual_length, 0); if (r == 0 && actual_length == sizeof(data)) { // results of the transaction can now be found in the data buffer // parse them here and report button press } else { error(); } \endcode The main advantage of this model is simplicity: you did everything with a single simple function call. However, this interface has its limitations. Your application will sleep inside libusb_bulk_transfer() until the transaction has completed. If it takes the user 3 hours to press the button, your application will be sleeping for that long. Execution will be tied up inside the library - the entire thread will be useless for that duration. Another issue is that by tying up the thread with that single transaction there is no possibility of performing I/O with multiple endpoints and/or multiple devices simultaneously, unless you resort to creating one thread per transaction. Additionally, there is no opportunity to cancel the transfer after the request has been submitted. For details on how to use the synchronous API, see the libusb_syncio "synchronous I/O API documentation" pages. \section async The asynchronous interface Asynchronous I/O is the most significant new feature in libusb-1.0. Although it is a more complex interface, it solves all the issues detailed above. Instead of providing which functions that block until the I/O has complete, libusb's asynchronous interface presents non-blocking functions which begin a transfer and then return immediately. Your application passes a callback function pointer to this non-blocking function, which libusb will call with the results of the transaction when it has completed. Transfers which have been submitted through the non-blocking functions can be cancelled with a separate function call. The non-blocking nature of this interface allows you to be simultaneously performing I/O to multiple endpoints on multiple devices, without having to use threads. This added flexibility does come with some complications though: - In the interest of being a lightweight library, libusb does not create threads and can only operate when your application is calling into it. Your application must call into libusb from it's main loop when events are ready to be handled, or you must use some other scheme to allow libusb to undertake whatever work needs to be done. - libusb also needs to be called into at certain fixed points in time in order to accurately handle transfer timeouts. - Memory handling becomes more complex. You cannot use stack memory unless the function with that stack is guaranteed not to return until the transfer callback has finished executing. - You generally lose some linearity from your code flow because submitting the transfer request is done in a separate function from where the transfer results are handled. This becomes particularly obvious when you want to submit a second transfer based on the results of an earlier transfer. Internally, libusb's synchronous interface is expressed in terms of function calls to the asynchronous interface. For details on how to use the asynchronous API, see the libusb_asyncio "asynchronous I/O API" documentation pages. \page libusb_packetoverflow Packets and overflows \section packets Packet abstraction The USB specifications describe how data is transmitted in packets, with constraints on packet size defined by endpoint descriptors. The host must not send data payloads larger than the endpoint's maximum packet size. libusb and the underlying OS abstract out the packet concept, allowing you to request transfers of any size. Internally, the request will be divided up into correctly-sized packets. You do not have to be concerned with packet sizes, but there is one exception when considering overflows. \section overflow Bulk/interrupt transfer overflows When requesting data on a bulk endpoint, libusb requires you to supply a buffer and the maximum number of bytes of data that libusb can put in that buffer. However, the size of the buffer is not communicated to the device - the device is just asked to send any amount of data. There is no problem if the device sends an amount of data that is less than or equal to the buffer size. libusb reports this condition to you through the libusb_transfer ::actual_length "libusb_transfer.actual_length" field. Problems may occur if the device attempts to send more data than can fit in the buffer. libusb reports LIBUSB_TRANSFER_OVERFLOW for this condition but other behaviour is largely undefined: actual_length may or may not be accurate, the chunk of data that can fit in the buffer (before overflow) may or may not have been transferred. Overflows are nasty, but can be avoided. Even though you were told to ignore packets above, think about the lower level details: each transfer is split into packets (typically small, with a maximum size of 512 bytes). Overflows can only happen if the final packet in an incoming data transfer is smaller than the actual packet that the device wants to transfer. Therefore, you will never see an overflow if your transfer buffer size is a multiple of the endpoint's packet size: the final packet will either fill up completely or will be only partially filled. This page details libusb's asynchronous (non-blocking) API for USB device I/O. This interface is very powerful but is also quite complex - you will need to read this page carefully to understand the necessary considerations and issues surrounding use of this interface. Simplistic applications may wish to consider the libusb_syncio "synchronous I/O API" instead. The asynchronous interface is built around the idea of separating transfer submission and handling of transfer completion (the synchronous model combines both of these into one). There may be a long delay between submission and completion, however the asynchronous submission function is non-blocking so will return control to your application during that potentially long delay. \section asyncabstraction Transfer abstraction For the asynchronous I/O, libusb implements the concept of a generic transfer entity for all types of I/O (control, bulk, interrupt, isochronous). The generic transfer object must be treated slightly differently depending on which type of I/O you are performing with it. This is represented by the public libusb_transfer structure type. \section asynctrf Asynchronous transfers We can view asynchronous I/O as a 5 step process: -# Allocation: allocate a libusb_transfer -# Filling: populate the libusb_transfer instance with information about the transfer you wish to perform -# Submission: ask libusb to submit the transfer -# Completion handling: examine transfer results in the libusb_transfer structure -# Deallocation: clean up resources \subsection asyncalloc Allocation This step involves allocating memory for a USB transfer. This is the generic transfer object mentioned above. At this stage, the transfer is "blank" with no details about what type of I/O it will be used for. Allocation is done with the libusb_alloc_transfer() function. You must use this function rather than allocating your own transfers. \subsection asyncfill Filling This step is where you take a previously allocated transfer and fill it with information to determine the message type and direction, data buffer, callback function, etc. You can either fill the required fields yourself or you can use the helper functions: libusb_fill_control_transfer(), libusb_fill_bulk_transfer() and libusb_fill_interrupt_transfer(). \subsection asyncsubmit Submission When you have allocated a transfer and filled it, you can submit it using libusb_submit_transfer(). This function returns immediately but can be regarded as firing off the I/O request in the background. \subsection asynccomplete Completion handling After a transfer has been submitted, one of four things can happen to it: - The transfer completes (i.e. some data was transferred) - The transfer has a timeout and the timeout expires before all data is transferred - The transfer fails due to an error - The transfer is cancelled Each of these will cause the user-specified transfer callback function to be invoked. It is up to the callback function to determine which of the above actually happened and to act accordingly. The user-specified callback is passed a pointer to the libusb_transfer structure which was used to setup and submit the transfer. At completion time, libusb has populated this structure with results of the transfer: success or failure reason, number of bytes of data transferred, etc. See the libusb_transfer structure documentation for more information. Important Note: The user-specified callback is called from an event handling context. It is therefore important that no calls are made into libusb that will attempt to perform any event handling. Examples of such functions are any listed in the libusb_syncio "synchronous API" and any of the blocking functions that retrieve libusb_desc "USB descriptors". \subsection Deallocation When a transfer has completed (i.e. the callback function has been invoked), you are advised to free the transfer (unless you wish to resubmit it, see below). Transfers are deallocated with libusb_free_transfer(). It is undefined behaviour to free a transfer which has not completed. \section asyncresubmit Resubmission You may be wondering why allocation, filling, and submission are all separated above where they could reasonably be combined into a single operation. The reason for separation is to allow you to resubmit transfers without having to allocate new ones every time. This is especially useful for common situations dealing with interrupt endpoints - you allocate one transfer, fill and submit it, and when it returns with results you just resubmit it for the next interrupt. \section asynccancel Cancellation Another advantage of using the asynchronous interface is that you have the ability to cancel transfers which have not yet completed. This is done by calling the libusb_cancel_transfer() function. libusb_cancel_transfer() is asynchronous/non-blocking in itself. When the cancellation actually completes, the transfer's callback function will be invoked, and the callback function should check the transfer status to determine that it was cancelled. On macOS and iOS it is not possible to cancel a single transfer. In this case cancelling one transfer on an endpoint will cause all transfers on that endpoint to be cancelled. Freeing the transfer after it has been cancelled but before cancellation has completed will result in undefined behaviour. \attention When a transfer is cancelled, some of the data may have been transferred. libusb will communicate this to you in the transfer callback. Do not assume that no data was transferred. \section asyncpartial Partial data transfer resulting from cancellation As noted above, some of the data may have been transferred at the time a transfer is cancelled. It is helpful to see how this is possible if you consider a bulk transfer to an endpoint with a packet size of 64 bytes. Supposing you submit a 512-byte transfer to this endpoint, the operating system will divide this transfer up into 8 separate 64-byte frames that the host controller will schedule for the device to transfer data. If this transfer is cancelled while the device is transferring data, a subset of these frames may be descheduled from the host controller before the device has the opportunity to finish transferring data to the host. What your application should do with a partial data transfer is a policy decision; there is no single answer that satisfies the needs of every application. The data that was successfully transferred should be considered entirely valid, but your application must decide what to do with the remaining data that was not transferred. Some possible actions to take are: - Resubmit another transfer for the remaining data, possibly with a shorter timeout - Discard the partially transferred data and report an error \section asynctimeout Timeouts When a transfer times out, libusb internally notes this and attempts to cancel the transfer. As noted in asyncpartial "above", it is possible that some of the data may actually have been transferred. Your application should always check how much data was actually transferred once the transfer completes and act accordingly. \section bulk_overflows Overflows on device-to-host bulk/interrupt endpoints If your device does not have predictable transfer sizes (or it misbehaves), your application may submit a request for data on an IN endpoint which is smaller than the data that the device wishes to send. In some circumstances this will cause an overflow, which is a nasty condition to deal with. See the libusb_packetoverflow page for discussion. \section asyncctrl Considerations for control transfers The libusb_transfer structure is generic and hence does not include specific fields for the control-specific setup packet structure. In order to perform a control transfer, you must place the 8-byte setup packet at the start of the data buffer. To simplify this, you could cast the buffer pointer to type struct libusb_control_setup, or you can use the helper function libusb_fill_control_setup(). The wLength field placed in the setup packet must be the length you would expect to be sent in the setup packet: the length of the payload that follows (or the expected maximum number of bytes to receive). However, the length field of the libusb_transfer object must be the length of the data buffer - i.e. it should be wLength plus the size of the setup packet (LIBUSB_CONTROL_SETUP_SIZE). If you use the helper functions, this is simplified for you: -# Allocate a buffer of size LIBUSB_CONTROL_SETUP_SIZE plus the size of the data you are sending/requesting. -# Call libusb_fill_control_setup() on the data buffer, using the transfer request size as the wLength value (i.e. do not include the extra space you allocated for the control setup). -# If this is a host-to-device transfer, place the data to be transferred in the data buffer, starting at offset LIBUSB_CONTROL_SETUP_SIZE. -# Call libusb_fill_control_transfer() to associate the data buffer with the transfer (and to set the remaining details such as callback and timeout). - Note that there is no parameter to set the length field of the transfer. The length is automatically inferred from the wLength field of the setup packet. -# Submit the transfer. The multi-byte control setup fields (wValue, wIndex and wLength) must be given in little-endian byte order (the endianness of the USB bus). Endianness conversion is transparently handled by libusb_fill_control_setup() which is documented to accept host-endian values. Further considerations are needed when handling transfer completion in your callback function: - As you might expect, the setup packet will still be sitting at the start of the data buffer. - If this was a device-to-host transfer, the received data will be sitting at offset LIBUSB_CONTROL_SETUP_SIZE into the buffer. - The actual_length field of the transfer structure is relative to the wLength of the setup packet, rather than the size of the data buffer. So, if your wLength was 4, your transfer's length was 12, then you should expect an actual_length of 4 to indicate that the data was transferred in entirety. To simplify parsing of setup packets and obtaining the data from the correct offset, you may wish to use the libusb_control_transfer_get_data() and libusb_control_transfer_get_setup() functions within your transfer callback. Even though control endpoints do not halt, a completed control transfer may have a LIBUSB_TRANSFER_STALL status code. This indicates the control request was not supported. \section asyncintr Considerations for interrupt transfers All interrupt transfers are performed using the polling interval presented by the bInterval value of the endpoint descriptor. \section asynciso Considerations for isochronous transfers Isochronous transfers are more complicated than transfers to non-isochronous endpoints. To perform I/O to an isochronous endpoint, allocate the transfer by calling libusb_alloc_transfer() with an appropriate number of isochronous packets. During filling, set libusb_transfer ::type "type" to libusb_transfer_type ::LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS "LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS", and set libusb_transfer ::num_iso_packets "num_iso_packets" to a value less than or equal to the number of packets you requested during allocation. libusb_alloc_transfer() does not set either of these fields for you, given that you might not even use the transfer on an isochronous endpoint. Next, populate the length field for the first num_iso_packets entries in the libusb_transfer ::iso_packet_desc "iso_packet_desc" array. Section 5.6.3 of the USB2 specifications describe how the maximum isochronous packet length is determined by the wMaxPacketSize field in the endpoint descriptor. Two functions can help you here: - libusb_get_max_iso_packet_size() is an easy way to determine the max packet size for an isochronous endpoint. Note that the maximum packet size is actually the maximum number of bytes that can be transmitted in a single microframe, therefore this function multiplies the maximum number of bytes per transaction by the number of transaction opportunities per microframe. - libusb_set_iso_packet_lengths() assigns the same length to all packets within a transfer, which is usually what you want. For outgoing transfers, you'll obviously fill the buffer and populate the packet descriptors in hope that all the data gets transferred. For incoming transfers, you must ensure the buffer has sufficient capacity for the situation where all packets transfer the full amount of requested data. Completion handling requires some extra consideration. The libusb_transfer ::actual_length "actual_length" field of the transfer is meaningless and should not be examined; instead you must refer to the libusb_iso_packet_descriptor ::actual_length "actual_length" field of each individual packet. The libusb_transfer ::status "status" field of the transfer is also a little misleading: - If the packets were submitted and the isochronous data microframes completed normally, status will have value libusb_transfer_status ::LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED "LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED". Note that bus errors and software-incurred delays are not counted as transfer errors; the transfer.status field may indicate COMPLETED even if some or all of the packets failed. Refer to the libusb_iso_packet_descriptor ::status "status" field of each individual packet to determine packet failures. - The status field will have value libusb_transfer_status ::LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR "LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR" only when serious errors were encountered. - Other transfer status codes occur with normal behaviour. The data for each packet will be found at an offset into the buffer that can be calculated as if each prior packet completed in full. The libusb_get_iso_packet_buffer() and libusb_get_iso_packet_buffer_simple() functions may help you here. \section asynclimits Transfer length limitations Some operating systems may impose limits on the length of the transfer data buffer or, in the case of isochronous transfers, the length of individual isochronous packets. Such limits can be difficult for libusb to detect, so in most cases the library will simply try and submit the transfer as set up by you. If the transfer fails to submit because it is too large, libusb_submit_transfer() will return libusb_error ::LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM "LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM". The following are known limits for control transfer lengths. Note that this length includes the 8-byte setup packet. - Linux (4,096 bytes) - Windows (4,096 bytes) \section asyncmem Memory caveats In most circumstances, it is not safe to use stack memory for transfer buffers. This is because the function that fired off the asynchronous transfer may return before libusb has finished using the buffer, and when the function returns it's stack gets destroyed. This is true for both host-to-device and device-to-host transfers. The only case in which it is safe to use stack memory is where you can guarantee that the function owning the stack space for the buffer does not return until after the transfer's callback function has completed. In every other case, you need to use heap memory instead. \section asyncflags Fine control Through using this asynchronous interface, you may find yourself repeating a few simple operations many times. You can apply a bitwise OR of certain flags to a transfer to simplify certain things: - libusb_transfer_flags ::LIBUSB_TRANSFER_SHORT_NOT_OK "LIBUSB_TRANSFER_SHORT_NOT_OK" results in transfers which transferred less than the requested amount of data being marked with status libusb_transfer_status ::LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR "LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR" (they would normally be regarded as COMPLETED) - libusb_transfer_flags ::LIBUSB_TRANSFER_FREE_BUFFER "LIBUSB_TRANSFER_FREE_BUFFER" allows you to ask libusb to free the transfer buffer when freeing the transfer. - libusb_transfer_flags ::LIBUSB_TRANSFER_FREE_TRANSFER "LIBUSB_TRANSFER_FREE_TRANSFER" causes libusb to automatically free the transfer after the transfer callback returns. \section asyncevent Event handling An asynchronous model requires that libusb perform work at various points in time - namely processing the results of previously-submitted transfers and invoking the user-supplied callback function. This gives rise to the libusb_handle_events() function which your application must call into when libusb has work do to. This gives libusb the opportunity to reap pending transfers, invoke callbacks, etc. When to call the libusb_handle_events() function depends on which model your application decides to use. The 2 different approaches: -# Repeatedly call libusb_handle_events() in blocking mode from a dedicated thread. -# Integrate libusb with your application's main event loop. libusb exposes a set of file descriptors which allow you to do this. The first approach has the big advantage that it will also work on Windows were libusb' poll API for select / poll integration is not available. So if you want to support Windows and use the async API, you must use this approach, see the eventthread "Using an event handling thread" section below for details. If you prefer a single threaded approach with a single central event loop, see the libusb_poll "polling and timing" section for how to integrate libusb into your application's main event loop. \section eventthread Using an event handling thread Lets begin with stating the obvious: If you're going to use a separate thread for libusb event handling, your callback functions MUST be thread-safe. Other then that doing event handling from a separate thread, is mostly simple. You can use an event thread function as follows: \code void *event_thread_func(void *ctx) { while (event_thread_run) libusb_handle_events(ctx); return NULL; } \endcode There is one caveat though, stopping this thread requires setting the event_thread_run variable to 0, and after that libusb_handle_events() needs to return control to event_thread_func. But unless some event happens, libusb_handle_events() will not return. There are 2 different ways of dealing with this, depending on if your application uses libusb' libusb_hotplug "hotplug" support or not. Applications which do not use hotplug support, should not start the event thread until after their first call to libusb_open(), and should stop the thread when closing the last open device as follows: \code void my_close_handle(libusb_device_handle *dev_handle) { if (open_devs == 1) event_thread_run = 0; libusb_close(dev_handle); // This wakes up libusb_handle_events() if (open_devs == 1) pthread_join(event_thread); open_devs--; } \endcode Applications using hotplug support should start the thread at program init, after having successfully called libusb_hotplug_register_callback(), and should stop the thread at program exit as follows: \code void my_libusb_exit(void) { event_thread_run = 0; libusb_hotplug_deregister_callback(ctx, hotplug_cb_handle); // This wakes up libusb_handle_events() pthread_join(event_thread); libusb_exit(ctx); } \endcode This page documents libusb's functions for polling events and timing. These functions are only necessary for users of the libusb_asyncio "asynchronous API". If you are only using the simpler libusb_syncio "synchronous API" then you do not need to ever call these functions. The justification for the functionality described here has already been discussed in the asyncevent "event handling" section of the asynchronous API documentation. In summary, libusb does not create internal threads for event processing and hence relies on your application calling into libusb at certain points in time so that pending events can be handled. Your main loop is probably already calling poll() or select() or a variant on a set of file descriptors for other event sources (e.g. keyboard button presses, mouse movements, network sockets, etc). You then add libusb's file descriptors to your poll()/select() calls, and when activity is detected on such descriptors you know it is time to call libusb_handle_events(). There is one final event handling complication. libusb supports asynchronous transfers which time out after a specified time period. On some platforms a timerfd is used, so the timeout handling is just another fd, on other platforms this requires that libusb is called into at or after the timeout to handle it. So, in addition to considering libusb's file descriptors in your main event loop, you must also consider that libusb sometimes needs to be called into at fixed points in time even when there is no file descriptor activity, see polltime details. In order to know precisely when libusb needs to be called into, libusb offers you a set of pollable file descriptors and information about when the next timeout expires. If you are using the asynchronous I/O API, you must take one of the two following options, otherwise your I/O will not complete. \section pollsimple The simple option If your application revolves solely around libusb and does not need to handle other event sources, you can have a program structure as follows: \code // initialize libusb // find and open device // maybe fire off some initial async I/O while (user_has_not_requested_exit) libusb_handle_events(ctx); // clean up and exit \endcode With such a simple main loop, you do not have to worry about managing sets of file descriptors or handling timeouts. libusb_handle_events() will handle those details internally. \section libusb_pollmain The more advanced option In more advanced applications, you will already have a main loop which is monitoring other event sources: network sockets, X11 events, mouse movements, etc. Through exposing a set of file descriptors, libusb is designed to cleanly integrate into such main loops. In addition to polling file descriptors for the other event sources, you take a set of file descriptors from libusb and monitor those too. When you detect activity on libusb's file descriptors, you call libusb_handle_events_timeout() in non-blocking mode. What's more, libusb may also need to handle events at specific moments in time. No file descriptor activity is generated at these times, so your own application needs to be continually aware of when the next one of these moments occurs (through calling libusb_get_next_timeout()), and then it needs to call libusb_handle_events_timeout() in non-blocking mode when these moments occur. This means that you need to adjust your poll()/select() timeout accordingly. libusb provides you with a set of file descriptors to poll and expects you to poll all of them, treating them as a single entity. The meaning of each file descriptor in the set is an internal implementation detail, platform-dependent and may vary from release to release. Don't try and interpret the meaning of the file descriptors, just do as libusb indicates, polling all of them at once. In pseudo-code, you want something that looks like: \code // initialise libusb libusb_get_pollfds(ctx) while (user has not requested application exit) { libusb_get_next_timeout(ctx); poll(on libusb file descriptors plus any other event sources of interest, using a timeout no larger than the value libusb just suggested) if (poll() indicated activity on libusb file descriptors) libusb_handle_events_timeout(ctx, &zero_tv); if (time has elapsed to or beyond the libusb timeout) libusb_handle_events_timeout(ctx, &zero_tv); // handle events from other sources here } // clean up and exit \endcode \subsection polltime Notes on time-based events The above complication with having to track time and call into libusb at specific moments is a bit of a headache. For maximum compatibility, you do need to write your main loop as above, but you may decide that you can restrict the supported platforms of your application and get away with a more simplistic scheme. These time-based event complications are \b not required on the following platforms: - Darwin - Linux, provided that the following version requirements are satisfied: - Linux v2.6.27 or newer, compiled with timerfd support - glibc v2.9 or newer - libusb v1.0.5 or newer Under these configurations, libusb_get_next_timeout() will \em always return 0, so your main loop can be simplified to: \code // initialise libusb libusb_get_pollfds(ctx) while (user has not requested application exit) { poll(on libusb file descriptors plus any other event sources of interest, using any timeout that you like) if (poll() indicated activity on libusb file descriptors) libusb_handle_events_timeout(ctx, &zero_tv); // handle events from other sources here } // clean up and exit \endcode Do remember that if you simplify your main loop to the above, you will lose compatibility with some platforms (including legacy Linux platforms, and any future platforms supported by libusb which may have time-based event requirements). The resultant problems will likely appear as strange bugs in your application. You can use the libusb_pollfds_handle_timeouts() function to do a runtime check to see if it is safe to ignore the time-based event complications. If your application has taken the shortcut of ignoring libusb's next timeout in your main loop, then you are advised to check the return value of libusb_pollfds_handle_timeouts() during application startup, and to abort if the platform does suffer from these timing complications. \subsection fdsetchange Changes in the file descriptor set The set of file descriptors that libusb uses as event sources may change during the life of your application. Rather than having to repeatedly call libusb_get_pollfds(), you can set up notification functions for when the file descriptor set changes using libusb_set_pollfd_notifiers(). \subsection mtissues Multi-threaded considerations Unfortunately, the situation is complicated further when multiple threads come into play. If two threads are monitoring the same file descriptors, the fact that only one thread will be woken up when an event occurs causes some headaches. The events lock, event waiters lock, and libusb_handle_events_locked() entities are added to solve these problems. You do not need to be concerned with these entities otherwise. See the extra documentation: libusb_mtasync \page libusb_mtasync Multi-threaded applications and asynchronous I/O libusb is a thread-safe library, but extra considerations must be applied to applications which interact with libusb from multiple threads. The underlying issue that must be addressed is that all libusb I/O revolves around monitoring file descriptors through the poll()/select() system calls. This is directly exposed at the libusb_asyncio "asynchronous interface" but it is important to note that the libusb_syncio "synchronous interface" is implemented on top of the asynchronous interface, therefore the same considerations apply. The issue is that if two or more threads are concurrently calling poll() or select() on libusb's file descriptors then only one of those threads will be woken up when an event arrives. The others will be completely oblivious that anything has happened. Consider the following pseudo-code, which submits an asynchronous transfer then waits for its completion. This style is one way you could implement a synchronous interface on top of the asynchronous interface (and libusb does something similar, albeit more advanced due to the complications explained on this page). \code void cb(struct libusb_transfer *transfer) { int *completed = transfer->user_data; completed = 1; } void myfunc() { struct libusb_transfer *transfer; unsigned char buffer[LIBUSB_CONTROL_SETUP_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (2))); int completed = 0; transfer = libusb_alloc_transfer(0); libusb_fill_control_setup(buffer, LIBUSB_REQUEST_TYPE_VENDOR | LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT, 0x04, 0x01, 0, 0); libusb_fill_control_transfer(transfer, dev, buffer, cb, &completed, 1000); libusb_submit_transfer(transfer); while (!completed) { poll(libusb file descriptors, 120*1000); if (poll indicates activity) libusb_handle_events_timeout(ctx, &zero_tv); } printf("completed!"); // other code here } \endcode Here we are serializing completion of an asynchronous event against a condition - the condition being completion of a specific transfer. The poll() loop has a long timeout to minimize CPU usage during situations when nothing is happening (it could reasonably be unlimited). If this is the only thread that is polling libusb's file descriptors, there is no problem: there is no danger that another thread will swallow up the event that we are interested in. On the other hand, if there is another thread polling the same descriptors, there is a chance that it will receive the event that we were interested in. In this situation, myfunc() will only realise that the transfer has completed on the next iteration of the loop, up to 120 seconds later. Clearly a two-minute delay is undesirable, and don't even think about using short timeouts to circumvent this issue! The solution here is to ensure that no two threads are ever polling the file descriptors at the same time. A naive implementation of this would impact the capabilities of the library, so libusb offers the scheme documented below to ensure no loss of functionality. Before we go any further, it is worth mentioning that all libusb-wrapped event handling procedures fully adhere to the scheme documented below. This includes libusb_handle_events() and its variants, and all the synchronous I/O functions - libusb hides this headache from you. \section Using libusb_handle_events() from multiple threads Even when only using libusb_handle_events() and synchronous I/O functions, you can still have a race condition. You might be tempted to solve the above with libusb_handle_events() like so: \code libusb_submit_transfer(transfer); while (!completed) { libusb_handle_events(ctx); } printf("completed!"); \endcode This however has a race between the checking of completed and libusb_handle_events() acquiring the events lock, so another thread could have completed the transfer, resulting in this thread hanging until either a timeout or another event occurs. See also commit 6696512aade99bb15d6792af90ae329af270eba6 which fixes this in the synchronous API implementation of libusb. Fixing this race requires checking the variable completed only after taking the event lock, which defeats the concept of just calling libusb_handle_events() without worrying about locking. This is why libusb-1.0.9 introduces the new libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed() and libusb_handle_events_completed() functions, which handles doing the completion check for you after they have acquired the lock: \code libusb_submit_transfer(transfer); while (!completed) { libusb_handle_events_completed(ctx, &completed); } printf("completed!"); \endcode This nicely fixes the race in our example. Note that if all you want to do is submit a single transfer and wait for its completion, then using one of the synchronous I/O functions is much easier. \section eventlock The events lock The problem is when we consider the fact that libusb exposes file descriptors to allow for you to integrate asynchronous USB I/O into existing main loops, effectively allowing you to do some work behind libusb's back. If you do take libusb's file descriptors and pass them to poll()/select() yourself, you need to be aware of the associated issues. The first concept to be introduced is the events lock. The events lock is used to serialize threads that want to handle events, such that only one thread is handling events at any one time. You must take the events lock before polling libusb file descriptors, using libusb_lock_events(). You must release the lock as soon as you have aborted your poll()/select() loop, using libusb_unlock_events(). \section threadwait Letting other threads do the work for you Although the events lock is a critical part of the solution, it is not enough on it's own. You might wonder if the following is sufficient... \code libusb_lock_events(ctx); while (!completed) { poll(libusb file descriptors, 120*1000); if (poll indicates activity) libusb_handle_events_timeout(ctx, &zero_tv); } libusb_unlock_events(ctx); \endcode ...and the answer is that it is not. This is because the transfer in the code shown above may take a long time (say 30 seconds) to complete, and the lock is not released until the transfer is completed. Another thread with similar code that wants to do event handling may be working with a transfer that completes after a few milliseconds. Despite having such a quick completion time, the other thread cannot check that status of its transfer until the code above has finished (30 seconds later) due to contention on the lock. To solve this, libusb offers you a mechanism to determine when another thread is handling events. It also offers a mechanism to block your thread until the event handling thread has completed an event (and this mechanism does not involve polling of file descriptors). After determining that another thread is currently handling events, you obtain the event waiters lock using libusb_lock_event_waiters(). You then re-check that some other thread is still handling events, and if so, you call libusb_wait_for_event(). libusb_wait_for_event() puts your application to sleep until an event occurs, or until a thread releases the events lock. When either of these things happen, your thread is woken up, and should re-check the condition it was waiting on. It should also re-check that another thread is handling events, and if not, it should start handling events itself. This looks like the following, as pseudo-code: \code retry: if (libusb_try_lock_events(ctx) == 0) { // we obtained the event lock: do our own event handling while (!completed) { if (!libusb_event_handling_ok(ctx)) { libusb_unlock_events(ctx); goto retry; } poll(libusb file descriptors, 120*1000); if (poll indicates activity) libusb_handle_events_locked(ctx, 0); } libusb_unlock_events(ctx); } else { // another thread is doing event handling. wait for it to signal us that // an event has completed libusb_lock_event_waiters(ctx); while (!completed) { // now that we have the event waiters lock, double check that another // thread is still handling events for us. (it may have ceased handling // events in the time it took us to reach this point) if (!libusb_event_handler_active(ctx)) { // whoever was handling events is no longer doing so, try again libusb_unlock_event_waiters(ctx); goto retry; } libusb_wait_for_event(ctx, NULL); } libusb_unlock_event_waiters(ctx); } printf("completed!\n"); \endcode A naive look at the above code may suggest that this can only support one event waiter (hence a total of 2 competing threads, the other doing event handling), because the event waiter seems to have taken the event waiters lock while waiting for an event. However, the system does support multiple event waiters, because libusb_wait_for_event() actually drops the lock while waiting, and reacquires it before continuing. We have now implemented code which can dynamically handle situations where nobody is handling events (so we should do it ourselves), and it can also handle situations where another thread is doing event handling (so we can piggyback onto them). It is also equipped to handle a combination of the two, for example, another thread is doing event handling, but for whatever reason it stops doing so before our condition is met, so we take over the event handling. Four functions were introduced in the above pseudo-code. Their importance should be apparent from the code shown above. -# libusb_try_lock_events() is a non-blocking function which attempts to acquire the events lock but returns a failure code if it is contended. -# libusb_event_handling_ok() checks that libusb is still happy for your thread to be performing event handling. Sometimes, libusb needs to interrupt the event handler, and this is how you can check if you have been interrupted. If this function returns 0, the correct behaviour is for you to give up the event handling lock, and then to repeat the cycle. The following libusb_try_lock_events() will fail, so you will become an events waiter. For more information on this, read fullstory below. -# libusb_handle_events_locked() is a variant of libusb_handle_events_timeout() that you can call while holding the events lock. libusb_handle_events_timeout() itself implements similar logic to the above, so be sure not to call it when you are "working behind libusb's back", as is the case here. -# libusb_event_handler_active() determines if someone is currently holding the events lock You might be wondering why there is no function to wake up all threads blocked on libusb_wait_for_event(). This is because libusb can do this internally: it will wake up all such threads when someone calls libusb_unlock_events() or when a transfer completes (at the point after its callback has returned). \subsection fullstory The full story The above explanation should be enough to get you going, but if you're really thinking through the issues then you may be left with some more questions regarding libusb's internals. If you're curious, read on, and if not, skip to the next section to avoid confusing yourself! The immediate question that may spring to mind is: what if one thread modifies the set of file descriptors that need to be polled while another thread is doing event handling? There are 2 situations in which this may happen. -# libusb_open() will add another file descriptor to the poll set, therefore it is desirable to interrupt the event handler so that it restarts, picking up the new descriptor. -# libusb_close() will remove a file descriptor from the poll set. There are all kinds of race conditions that could arise here, so it is important that nobody is doing event handling at this time. libusb handles these issues internally, so application developers do not have to stop their event handlers while opening/closing devices. Here's how it works, focusing on the libusb_close() situation first: -# During initialization, libusb opens an internal pipe, and it adds the read end of this pipe to the set of file descriptors to be polled. -# During libusb_close(), libusb writes some dummy data on this event pipe. This immediately interrupts the event handler. libusb also records internally that it is trying to interrupt event handlers for this high-priority event. -# At this point, some of the functions described above start behaving differently: - libusb_event_handling_ok() starts returning 1, indicating that it is NOT OK for event handling to continue. - libusb_try_lock_events() starts returning 1, indicating that another thread holds the event handling lock, even if the lock is uncontended. - libusb_event_handler_active() starts returning 1, indicating that another thread is doing event handling, even if that is not true. -# The above changes in behaviour result in the event handler stopping and giving up the events lock very quickly, giving the high-priority libusb_close() operation a "free ride" to acquire the events lock. All threads that are competing to do event handling become event waiters. -# With the events lock held inside libusb_close(), libusb can safely remove a file descriptor from the poll set, in the safety of knowledge that nobody is polling those descriptors or trying to access the poll set. -# After obtaining the events lock, the close operation completes very quickly (usually a matter of milliseconds) and then immediately releases the events lock. -# At the same time, the behaviour of libusb_event_handling_ok() and friends reverts to the original, documented behaviour. -# The release of the events lock causes the threads that are waiting for events to be woken up and to start competing to become event handlers again. One of them will succeed; it will then re-obtain the list of poll descriptors, and USB I/O will then continue as normal. libusb_open() is similar, and is actually a more simplistic case. Upon a call to libusb_open(): -# The device is opened and a file descriptor is added to the poll set. -# libusb sends some dummy data on the event pipe, and records that it is trying to modify the poll descriptor set. -# The event handler is interrupted, and the same behaviour change as for libusb_close() takes effect, causing all event handling threads to become event waiters. -# The libusb_open() implementation takes its free ride to the events lock. -# Happy that it has successfully paused the events handler, libusb_open() releases the events lock. -# The event waiter threads are all woken up and compete to become event handlers again. The one that succeeds will obtain the list of poll descriptors again, which will include the addition of the new device. \subsection concl Closing remarks The above may seem a little complicated, but hopefully I have made it clear why such complications are necessary. Also, do not forget that this only applies to applications that take libusb's file descriptors and integrate them into their own polling loops. You may decide that it is OK for your multi-threaded application to ignore some of the rules and locks detailed above, because you don't think that two threads can ever be polling the descriptors at the same time. If that is the case, then that's good news for you because you don't have to worry. But be careful here; remember that the synchronous I/O functions do event handling internally. If you have one thread doing event handling in a loop (without implementing the rules and locking semantics documented above) and another trying to send a synchronous USB transfer, you will end up with two threads monitoring the same descriptors, and the above-described undesirable behaviour occurring. The solution is for your polling thread to play by the rules; the synchronous I/O functions do so, and this will result in them getting along in perfect harmony. If you do have a dedicated thread doing event handling, it is perfectly legal for it to take the event handling lock for long periods of time. Any synchronous I/O functions you call from other threads will transparently fall back to the "event waiters" mechanism detailed above. The only consideration that your event handling thread must apply is the one related to libusb_event_handling_ok(): you must call this before every poll(), and give up the events lock if instructed.


int usbi_io_init(struct libusb_context *ctx);
Implemented in io.c:1160




All event handling is performed by whichever thread calls the libusb_handle_events() function. libusb does not invoke any callbacks outside of this context. Consequently, any callbacks will be run on the thread that calls the libusb_handle_events() function. This functionality is currently only available on Unix-like platforms. On Windows, libusb_get_pollfds() simply returns NULL. Applications which want to support Windows are advised to use an eventthread "event handling thread" instead. The `completed` variable must be modified while holding the event lock, otherwise a race condition can still exist. It is simplest to do so from within the transfer callback as shown above.


int usbi_io_init(struct libusb_context *ctx)
int usbi_io_init(struct libusb_context *ctx);

Call Tree

Functions called by usbi_io_init()
all items filtered out
Data read by usbi_io_init()
Data written by usbi_io_init()
all items filtered out
all items filtered out