target_exec_command_handlers is only used within OpenOCD.
CodeScopeDevelopment ToolsOpenOCDtarget_exec_command_handlers

target_exec_command_handlers variable


static const struct command_registration target_exec_command_handlers[] = { { .name = "fast_load_image", .handler = handle_fast_load_image_command, .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "Load image into server memory for later use by " "fast_load; primarily for profiling", .usage = "filename [address ['bin'|'ihex'|'elf'|'s19' " "[min_address [max_length]]]]", }, { .name = "fast_load", .handler = handle_fast_load_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "loads active fast load image to current target " "- mainly for profiling purposes", .usage = "", }, { .name = "profile", .handler = handle_profile_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .usage = "seconds filename [start end]", .help = "profiling samples the CPU PC", }, { .name = "virt2phys", .handler = handle_virt2phys_command, .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "translate a virtual address into a physical address", .usage = "virtual_address", }, { .name = "reg", .handler = handle_reg_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "display (reread from target with \"force\") or set a register; " "with no arguments, displays all registers and their values", .usage = "[(register_number|register_name) [(value|'force')]]", }, { .name = "poll", .handler = handle_poll_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "poll target state; or reconfigure background polling", .usage = "['on'|'off']", }, { .name = "wait_halt", .handler = handle_wait_halt_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "wait up to the specified number of milliseconds " "(default 5000) for a previously requested halt", .usage = "[milliseconds]", }, { .name = "halt", .handler = handle_halt_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "request target to halt, then wait up to the specified " "number of milliseconds (default 5000) for it to complete", .usage = "[milliseconds]", }, { .name = "resume", .handler = handle_resume_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "resume target execution from current PC or address", .usage = "[address]", }, { .name = "reset", .handler = handle_reset_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .usage = "[run|halt|init]", .help = "Reset all targets into the specified mode. " "Default reset mode is run, if not given.", }, { .name = "soft_reset_halt", .handler = handle_soft_reset_halt_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .usage = "", .help = "halt the target and do a soft reset", }, { .name = "step", .handler = handle_step_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "step one instruction from current PC or address", .usage = "[address]", }, { .name = "mdd", .handler = handle_md_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "display memory double-words", .usage = "['phys'] address [count]", }, { .name = "mdw", .handler = handle_md_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "display memory words", .usage = "['phys'] address [count]", }, { .name = "mdh", .handler = handle_md_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "display memory half-words", .usage = "['phys'] address [count]", }, { .name = "mdb", .handler = handle_md_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "display memory bytes", .usage = "['phys'] address [count]", }, { .name = "mwd", .handler = handle_mw_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "write memory double-word", .usage = "['phys'] address value [count]", }, { .name = "mww", .handler = handle_mw_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "write memory word", .usage = "['phys'] address value [count]", }, { .name = "mwh", .handler = handle_mw_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "write memory half-word", .usage = "['phys'] address value [count]", }, { .name = "mwb", .handler = handle_mw_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "write memory byte", .usage = "['phys'] address value [count]", }, { .name = "mbatch", .handler = handle_mbatch_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "execute a batch of memory commands", .usage = "[unique ID] [list of memory read/write requests]", }, { .name = "bp", .handler = handle_bp_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "list or set hardware or software breakpoint", .usage = "[<address> [<asid>] <length> ['hw'|'hw_ctx']]", }, { .name = "rbp", .handler = handle_rbp_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "remove breakpoint", .usage = "'all' | address", }, { .name = "wp", .handler = handle_wp_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "list (no params) or create watchpoints", .usage = "[address length [('r'|'w'|'a') [value [mask]]]]", }, { .name = "rwp", .handler = handle_rwp_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "remove watchpoint", .usage = "'all' | address", }, { .name = "load_image", .handler = handle_load_image_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .usage = "filename [address ['bin'|'ihex'|'elf'|'s19' " "[min_address [max_length]]]]", }, { .name = "dump_image", .handler = handle_dump_image_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .usage = "filename address size", }, { .name = "verify_image_checksum", .handler = handle_verify_image_checksum_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .usage = "filename [offset [type]]", }, { .name = "verify_image", .handler = handle_verify_image_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .usage = "filename [offset [type]]", }, { .name = "test_image", .handler = handle_test_image_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .usage = "filename [offset [type]]", }, { .name = "get_reg", .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .jim_handler = target_jim_get_reg, .help = "Get register values from the target", .usage = "list", }, { .name = "set_reg", .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .handler = handle_set_reg_command, .help = "Set target register values", .usage = "dict", }, { .name = "read_memory", .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .handler = handle_target_read_memory, .help = "Read Tcl list of 8/16/32/64 bit numbers from target memory", .usage = "address width count ['phys']", }, { .name = "write_memory", .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .jim_handler = target_jim_write_memory, .help = "Write Tcl list of 8/16/32/64 bit numbers to target memory", .usage = "address width data ['phys']", }, { .name = "debug_reason", .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .handler = handle_target_debug_reason, .help = "displays the debug reason of this target", .usage = "", }, { .name = "reset_nag", .handler = handle_target_reset_nag, .mode = COMMAND_ANY, .help = "Nag after each reset about options that could have been " "enabled to improve performance.", .usage = "['enable'|'disable']", }, { .name = "ps", .handler = handle_ps_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "list all tasks", .usage = "", }, { .name = "test_mem_access", .handler = handle_test_mem_access_command, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "Test the target's memory access functions", .usage = "size", }, { .name = "report_flash_progress", .handler = handle_report_flash_progress, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "Enables/disables reporting FLASH programming progress", .usage = "[on/off]", }, { .name = "run_until_stop_fast", .handler = handle_run_until_stop_fast, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "Runs the target until a stop occurs", .usage = "[timeout]", }, { .name = "wait_for_stop", .handler = handle_wait_for_stop, .mode = COMMAND_EXEC, .help = "Waits for the target to stop", .usage = "[timeout]", }, COMMAND_REGISTRATION_DONE };


static const struct command_registration target_exec_command_handlers[] = {
return register_commands(cmd_ctx, NULL, target_exec_command_handlers);

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